Helping business see and understand their data with powerful visualizations and insights

Tableau is an excellent data visualization and business intelligence tool used for reporting and analyzing vast volumes of data. It helps in simplifying raw data in a very easily understandable format. It allows for instantaneous insight to transform such data into interactive visualizations.

  • Bring multiple data sources into one single point of truth
  • Perform basic ETL operations quickly
  • Provide beautiful dashboards and reports
  • Conduct investigative or exploratory analysis at the speed of thought
  • Automate reporting
Tableau Feature Image - Cognitive Convergence

Our Tableau BI Services
  • Combine experts’ functionalities with Tableau to extend its range
  • Using an unprecedented Tableau solution, create a road map that helps optimizing data, processes, and business goals
  • Improved management, accomplish consistency, and secure information while giving individuals admittance to experiences
  • Rejuvenate applications with data
Tableau Services Image - Cognitive Convergence

Tableau - Consulting service - Video
Tableau Business Interlligence - Consulting service - Presentation
Tableau Business Interlligence - Consulting service - Case Study