Designing your web-based business applications through creativity and innovation with our SaaS Python Consultancy

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse.

  • Easy to Learn and Use
  • Expressive Language
  • Interpreted Language
  • Free and Open Source
  • Object-Oriented Language
  • OExtensible
  • GUI Programming Support
Power BI Feature Image - Cognitive Convergence

Our Python Consulting Services
  • Help in building better dashboards and advanced analytics to draw insights out of it.
  • Handle the data exploration and visualization along with data science logic to better handle business use cases.
  • Understand, analyses and visualize to takes a major part before modelling the data, proper data cleaning and preparation is needed.
  • Provide integration of Python with Power BI using Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL).
  • Provides integration of Python into Query Editor and perform data cleansing, advanced data shaping, analytics in datasets, completion of missing data, predictions, and clustering.
  • Cognitive Convergence team use tabpy to help building better dashboards and advanced analytics to draw insights out of it.
  • Use Tabpy to handle the data exploration and visualization along with data science logic to better handle business use cases.
  • Cognitive Convergence experts use Tableau Server Client (TSC) and Python Pandas in Tableau to understand, analyze and visualize to takes a major part before modelling the data, proper data cleaning and preparation is needed.
  • Development and Implementation either on Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS - SaaS platforms
Python SaaS Service Image - Cognitive Convergence

SAAS - Consulting service - Video
SAAS Web Development - Consulting service - Presentation
Python - Consulting service - Case Study